Save time & money using Online Site Induction

More time to get on with the job

OSI saves time and money because there is:
No time lost carrying out inductions on site
No time lost filling out forms on site
No time lost finding areas to park and access site
No time lost repeating inductions on site

A safer, faster way to induct site workers

OSI enables:
Informative downloads off site
One to one inductions
Consistent inductions; Repeat inductions
Review of inductions and updates
Testing of understanding
Site logistics, area plans, notifications

Minimised administration time

OSI process reduces administration:
Automatic record of sucessful inductions
One stop location which is always accessible
Site events easily communicated to all operatives

Access from your PC, tablet or phone

OSI process can be used on the go, 24/7 with remote induction using a Smart Phone, Tablet, PC, Laptop and any other internet friendly environment.